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Top Tips on Making the Most of your Greenhouse

A greenhouse is one of the best ways to really get stuck into growing your own produce and can be an extremely enjoyable pastime for the green-fingered individuals among us. Whether you’re a seasoned gardening professional or just dipping your toes into the horticultural world, a greenhouse is a great addition to any back garden.

However, for the uninitiated, knowing how to get the most out of your greenhouse can seem confusing. Luckily, we have a few tips to keep in mind to help get you started and to make the most out of your new greenhouse.

Control the humidity

Having control over the humidity of your greenhouse is the key to successful yield as plants thrive in a humid environment. One of the best ways to keep your greenhouse at a consistently humid level is by simply placing stone chips or marble on the floor around the interior.

During especially dry periods, spray the rocks with water so that the moisture can evaporate over the course of the day and keep your greenhouse consistently humid.

Water your plants in the evening

This may seem somewhat counterintuitive, but watering your plants during the day can actually be much less effective than if you were to do so in the evening. Unlike humans who rely on liquids during a hot day, plants may suffer as the water is quickly evaporated from the soil.

With this in mind, spend time watering your plants during the cooler evenings, ensuring that they receive the maximum amount of moisture.


Although keeping a consistently high humidity level is important, you should also consider ventilation when planning out your greenhouse. Heat is an essential component for a healthy plant, however, if the temperature rises too quickly your more vulnerable plants will die.

To counteract this issue, ensure that your greenhouse has sufficient ventilation vents and consider propping open the door during particularly hot days to increase the air flow.

Watch out for pests

The unfortunate by-product of growing beautiful looking plants and tasty produce is that it can attract unwanted guests to your greenhouse, causing havoc if left unchecked. Critters such as caterpillars and slugs are common culprits seen in greenhouses up and down the country, so spend time checking for slime trails and other tell-tale signs of unwanted guests.

It can also be useful to lay salt or slug pellets to keep the critters at bay, however, if you’re looking for a more natural solution, nematodes can be added to the soil which can infect and kill slugs without affecting your plants.

Get your perfect greenhouse from Kirton Sectional Buildings Ltd

A greenhouse can be a great addition to any garden so make sure you get the perfect build for you at Kirton Sectional Buildings. Offering a range of greenhouses in varying sizes to fit your space requirements.

For more information on what we can offer, visit our website or get in touch with our team on 01652 640 031 to discuss your requirements further.

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Creating a Kid-Friendly Garden for your Children

In a world filled with iPhones and games consoles, it’s becoming more important than ever to encourage our nation’s kids to get outside and play. If you’re lucky enough to have a large garden, this can be a great way to grow a love for being outdoors from a young age.

However, some gardens are better than others at creating a safe and fun place for children to play and, with just a few added touches, you can turn your dull backyard into a haven for your kids. Here are just a few ideas to get you started on creating your child-friendly garden.

Add a wild touch

Allowing a corner of your garden to grow into a more wild and untamed space can be a dream for a child’s imagination. Consider planting tall grasses and low-hanging trees to create a jungle-like atmosphere where children can spend hours playing.

Aside from that, a slightly less manicured space can help to attract a host of insects and animals to your garden which can, in turn, teach your young ones about the importance of British wildlife.

Flat space for games

Simple yet effective, a grassy space is the perfect spot for kids to play games with friends. Whether it’s setting up goal posts for a game of football or simply a garden big enough for a game of tag, having an open space is essential to a kid-friendly garden.

If you’re worried that laying turf may ruin your garden’s aesthetic, consider adding some flower borders to add a splash of floral colour to the space. Make sure to invest in plants and flowers that are robust enough to take a ball or foot trampling over them, however.

Bespoke playhouses

After a day of running around and playing in your fantastic kid-friendly garden, it can be nice to create a space for children to both rest in the shade whilst encouraging a more imaginative kind of play.

A great way of doing this is by having a playhouse tucked away in your garden. Here at Kirton Sectional Buildings Ltd, we have a range of great looking playhouses for your little ones to chill out in after a long day’s play.

Aside from that, our extensive range of bespoke garden structures, from potting sheds to greenhouses, can completely transform your outdoor space to fit your exact specifications.

For more information on our range of products, visit our website or get in touch with a member of our team on 01652 640 031.

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